Fund For A Healthy Nevada

The Fund for a Healthy Nevada (FHN) is governed by Chapter 439, Sections 620–630, of the Nevada Revised Statutes to utilize 60% of tobacco settlement monies received or recovered by the State of Nevada. Originally, the statues included specific allocations to defined service areas such as children's health, services for persons with disabilities, and tobacco use prevention and cessation. However, the 2013 Legislature amended the statute to:

  • Expand children's health to include programs that address the health and well-being of all Nevadans;
  • Remove the specific funding allocations; and
  • Add a requirement that a statewide community needs assessment be conducted every other year to establish funding priorities.

Community Needs Assessments were conducted in 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022 by the Grants Management Unit (GMU), formerly the Office of Community Partnerships and Grants (OCPG), on behalf of the Grants Management Advisory Committee (GMAC), a citizen advisory group charged with oversight of portions of the FHN. Assessments were also conducted by the Aging and Disability Services Division (ADSD) on behalf of the Nevada Commission on Aging (CoA) and the Nevada Commission on Services for Persons with Disabilities. The results of these needs assessments ultimately help establish the framework for the FHN budget each biennium.


In 2024, in lieu of an independent Grants Management Unit needs assessment, the GMU utilized prior years needs assessments to present funding recommendations for Fund for a Healthy Nevada.  

    Contact Information

    For more information regarding the Fund for a Healthy Nevada or the grant application process, please contact the Grants Management Unit at

      FHN-Funded Programs

      Community Needs Assessment - 2022

      Community Needs Assessment - 2020

      Community Needs Assessment - 2018