Current ICC Membership

Members listed below reflect the required positions as outlined in the Nevada Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council By-Laws. All members are appointed by the Governor.

If you would like to join the council, please visit: Official State of Nevada Forms ( 

Pre-service Personnel Preparation

Jenna Weglarz-Ward, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)

UNLV College of Education, Special Education

Nevada University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities

Janice Lee

Nevada Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, University of Nevada, Reno

State Legislature

Assemblywoman Tracy Brown-May

Nevada State Legislature

Head Start Agency


Parent Representatives of Infants or Toddlers with Disabilities, Aged 12 or Younger


Southern Region - Las Vegas


Rural/Frontier Region


Southern Region


Northwest Region

Public or Private Providers of Nevada Early Intervention Services

Julie Dame

Nevada Early Intervention Services – Las Vegas

Sarah Horsman

Nevada Early Intervention Services – Reno

Sandra LaPalm

Nevada Early Intervention Services - Rural/Frontier


Community Partner Program

State Education Agency Responsible for Preschool Services for Children with Disabilities


State Agency Involved in the Provision or Payment for Early Intervention Services


Office of The Coordinator of Education of Homeless Children and Youth


State Foster Care Agency


Agency Responsible for The State Government of Insurance

David Cassetty

Nevada Division of Insurance Consumer Services, Enforcement and Licensing

State Mental Health Agency

Rhonda Lawrence

Division of Child and Family Services, Early Childhood Mental Health

Bureau of Indian Affairs, The Indian Health Services, The Tribal Council


Nevada Developmental Disabilities Council

Catherine Nielsen

Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities

Parent Training or Parents Encouraging Parents Program

Robin Kincaid

Nevada Parents Encouraging Parents (NVPEP)

Nevada Disability, Advocacy, and Law Center