Project ASSIST - Resource & Referral


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What Does Project ASSIST Provide?

Referrals to Early Intervention and Resources at no cost.

Call: 1-800-522-0666

    "Parents must regard themselves as the long-lasting resource and the only consistent persons who continually have the child's interest at heart throughout their lifetime."
    ~ Lee Robinson

      What is Project ASSIST?

      Project ASSIST is Nevada's early intervention Central Resource Directory for anyone seeking information about resources such as organizations, programs or agencies that may provide services and supports for children with developmental delays or disabilities and their families. Project ASSIST helps to inform and educate families as well as the general public to improve outcomes for Nevada families and their communities.

        Information can be made available on:

        • Parent Support Groups
        • Respite Care
        • Screening, Diagnosis or Assessment
        • Early Intervention Programs for Infants and Toddlers
        • Preschool Special Education Services
        • Education, Health, and Social Service Agencies
        • Physical and Occupational Therapy
        • Speech and Language Therapy
        • Counseling and Psychological Services
        • Advocacy Organizations
        • Life Planning, Financial and Legal Assistance
        • as well as many other services


        The purpose of Project ASSIST is to provide information, resources, and referral services to inform and educate families of infants and toddlers with disabilities or special health care needs, and the general public. Please call Project ASSIST for more information. Also check the menu on the left for links to Local, Statewide and National resources.

        The Nevada Early Intervention Family Newsletter Archive is located at:

        Project ASSIST Additional Contact Information


        Toll Free Number: 1-800-522-0066

        Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  
        Telephone calls are answered promptly when staff is available.  
        There is a 24-hour voice mail as well as email, and calls are returned generally within two working days.  
        Project ASSIST provides information and referral to resources at no cost. 

          Project ASSIST Is Supported By

          Nevada Department of Health and Human Services in accordance with the IDEA, Part C Regulations, 34 CFR, Section 303.301.  A Central Directory function is required of all states providing services under the auspices of IDEA, Part C.  The purpose of the Central Directory is to provide a coordinated system of information and referral services for families of infants and toddlers with special needs.