New website available to help Nevada Medicaid members maintain health insurance

Participants encouraged to update their address to receive updates, information

Carson City August 11, 2022

During the pandemic, thousands of Nevadans moved. Now, Nevada Medicaid and the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS) are responding with a new tool to help more than 900,000 Nevadans update their addresses and maintain their Medicaid health insurance. If a member’s address is not up to date and they miss an important notice in the mail, they risk a gap in insurance coverage. The UpdateMyAddress website makes it easy to notify the agencies of address changes.

“This is a critical moment as we prepare for the end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency,” said Robert Thompson, DWSS Administrator, adding that the end date of the PHE has not been announced. When the PHE ends, so will the federal continuous coverage requirement and Medicaid members will be evaluated for eligibility. “We have a small window of time to encourage people to update their addresses before we begin eligibility determinations,” Thompson said. “We don’t want people to lose health insurance simply because their address was not up to date, and they missed an important notice.”

The UpdateMyAddress website is the latest in a series of efforts by Nevada Medicaid and DWSS to prepare for the end of the Public Health Emergency including implementing automatic renewals. However, encouraging members to update their contact information is key. DWSS and Nevada Medicaid are leveraging community partners, medical providers, schools and businesses to distribute flyers, emails, social media and other resources available at the Member Outreach web page.

Medicaid members can choose to go paperless and update their address using the portal Members can also stay in touch with Medicaid by downloading the NV Medicaid App or calling 800-992-0900.


Julie Knight
Public Information Officer, Division of Welfare and Supportive Services