Psychedelic Medicines Working Group

The Department of Health and Human Services will lead the Psychedelic Medicines Working Group established by Senate Bill (SB) 242 of the 82nd Legislative Session. The Working Group will study certain issues relating to the therapeutic use of entheogens during the 2023-2024 Legislative interim.

The bill defines “entheogen” to include, without limitation, psilocybin and psilocin. The bill requires DHHS to submit a report describing the activities, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the Working Group for transmittal to the 83rd Session of the Legislature.

The Working Group includes members appointed by the Governor and Legislative leadership, as well as the Attorney General or their designee, the president of the State Board of Pharmacy or their designee and Director or their designee from the Departments of Health and Human Services and Veterans Services.

To apply to serve as a Governor-appointed member, please go to the Governor's Boards website here.


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